Vision & Mission

-Long-range Education

In order to contribute to society and all mankind, Pu Tai aims to cultivate new generations of elite individuals who possess both academic discipline and moral integrity. To make this opportunity available to a wide range of students, we provide various types of scholarships. Our vision is far-reaching: we hope that all of our students go on to college and beyond and pursue Master’s and Doctoral degrees.

-Sustainable Operation

Pu Tai High School with Junior Division was established by Chung Tai Buddhist Foundation, a consortium as a juridical person, that initiated fundraising to make this school a reality. Our school has a sound financial system with clear, transparent rules and regulations. It is a non-profit educational organization committed to sustainable operation and long-range responsibility.

-Educational Excellence

To fulfill the ideal of a well-rounded education, we provide a full range of courses for our students to build on both depth and breadth of knowledge as well as cultivate compassion and wisdom, in the hope that they grow up to be decent, mature individuals with good moral character and a great wealth of knowledge and skills to make a positive contribution to society.

-Global Vision

In order to provide Pu Tai students with a competitive edge in the international community, we offer English, Japanese, French, and Spanish courses both at the primary and secondary levels. In addition to language learning, emphasis is also placed on familiarizing students with the history and culture of the countries where these four languages are mainly spoken. Language immersion trips abroad are organized every summer, which enable students to apply what they learn in class to real-world situations, to experience other cultures for themselves, and to enhance their global awareness.